Sanskrit Palindrome!
A Sanskrit poet by name Daivajna Shri Surya Pandit (दैवज्ञश्रीसूर्यपण्डित) wrote a Sanskrit work by name “Ramakrishna Viloma Kaavyam (रामकृष्णविलोमकाव्यम्)” in the 14th century. The English-equivalent of the Sanskrit word ‘viloma’ is reverse order or inversion. This book has 36 shloka (a shloka is a Sanskrit verse or stanza). Each shloka makes sense both when read in from the beginning of the shloka to the end as well as from the end to the beginning of the shloka (a sort of palindrome). When each shloka is read in the forward direction, from the first to last letter, it describes Shri Ram and when read in the reverse direction, it describes Shri Krishna! Here is the first shlok in that book: तं भूसुतामुक्तिमुदारहासं वन्दे यतो भव्यभवम् दयाश्रीः । श्रीयादवं भव्यभतोयदेवं संहारदामुक्तिमुतासुभूतम् ॥ Notice that the second line in the above shlok is simply the first line reversed! Given below is the पदच्छेद: and an attempt to translate the meaning in English First line (in forwar...