Climbing the mountain of सत् (Sat is true knowledge)

The pursuit of सत्/ Sat or true knowledge of who we are is like climbing a mountain with innumerable trails all leading up to the same summit of knowledge. 

To use this analogy for the four yog explained by Shri Krishna in the Geeta: Raj, Gyana, Karma and Bhakti, the Raj yog trail must be the most difficult and treacherous one on the cliff side of the mountain where a guide in the form of a guru is a must or there is great danger of the climber falling.

Next in difficultly could be the Gnyan yog trail which is intense and perhaps the shortest path to the summit but it has many offshoot trails that can confuse, distract and lead one astray as the learner's ego too grows with the learning which can cause delusion.

Then there is the Karma yog trail, a straight steady climb that may be tough sometimes but is still doable for everyone without doing anything extra. All that is required is just a change of perspective. Offering one's daily tasks in whatever job, profession they do, to their Ishwar of choice. No other sadana or tap is required.

But the bhakti yog trail must be by far the easiest with the most scenic views! An easy to follow, pleasant, safe and beautiful trail that eventually merges with the Gnyan trail. All that is required of the traveler is only remembering their Ishwar's name (नामस्मरण) as they go about their day and then as they do more and more of this नामस्मरण, even the efforts of climbing are not required as the name carries them gently as if on an airplane right to the summit! 

Why then are some traveling horizontally around the base of this mountain either bad mouthing someone else's chosen trail or trying to convince them as to how their trail is bad and that they should come join another one which is better! Shouldn't we all instead be traveling vertically, sincerely following the trail that suits our swabhav (personality) the most? 

The interesting thing is (where the analogy stops) that the climber can simultaneously walk on more than one trail and try to do a little of each. What is important though is to never lose sight of the summit! 

As Sant Tukaram Maharaj says:

वेद अनंत बोलिला । अर्थ इतुकाची साधिला ।।
विठोबासि शरण जावे । निजनिष्ठा नाम गावे ।।
सकल शास्त्रांचा विचार । अंती इतुकाची निर्धार ।।
अठरा पुराणी सिद्धांत । तुका म्हणे हाचि हेत ।।

The Veda says a lot of things but ultimately the core meaning is this, surrender to that Vithoba (Krishna) and with all Shraddha (unwavering faith), sing his name. The thought that is expounded in all the Shaastraas (holy texts) lead finally to this one conclusion. What the 18 Puraana (holy texts) teach, this is that ultimate truth!

नामसंकीर्तन साधन पै सोपे । जळतील पापें जन्मांतरीची ।।
नलगे सायास जावें वनांतरा । सुखे येतो घरा नारायण ।।

Naamsankirtan (singing the name of the lord) is an easy way that can destroy sins across all the lives a soul has lived. There is no special effort needed, no need to go into the forest to meditate and do tapas. With naamsankirtan, lord Narayan will easily and happily come to your home (come to you).


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