Holi: A celebration of the diversity of the universe!

Diversity is natural for those living close to nature for it is unmistakable! From the celestial objects, the stars big and small, the comets to the rainbows and even the paintings painted daily at sunrise and sunset on the canvas of the sky to the trees, flowers, birds, bees and innumerable species of animals living on land and the seas on this Bhoodevi that we revere as our mother, Earth!

The ancient Hindus observed all this living close to nature which is reflected in the Hindu festivals which are in sync with the seasons. The poornima or full moon day in the month of Falguna in the Hindu calendar is celebrated as Holi. 

Holi is a celebration welcoming the spring season, the splash of colors that nature puts on display as the trees come to life once again. Holi is a celebration of that diversity of nature and the universe! And yet, like the color wheel when spun shows only one color or like that one ray of sunlight when passed through the prism splits into the many colors, the rishis saw an underlying oneness in all the diversity, that which they called Brahman!

How well do you know the diverse and colorful traditions of Bharat? Try this quiz: https://indiyatra.in/diversity-of-holi-quiz/

🦚 Wish you all a colorful, happy Holi! 🦚

फल्गुनमासः शुक्लपक्षः पूर्णिमातिथिः २०८० विक्रम संवत्सरः 


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